Here are some helpful tips to keep you safe and your trip memorable, whether you are heading for the beach, campground, or a holiday day trip:
Top Pick - Obey all speed limits
- Coast to a stop
- Check your tire pressure
- Consider driving with your lights on during the day (Don’t forget to turn them off)
- Check your spare tire
- Put a jug of water in the trunk
- Have an emergency vehicle kit ready in your trunk
- Check all fluid levels
- Don’t ride your brakes
- Put your cell phone away, so you won’t be tempted to get distracted
There are a lot of great Apps that will make your trip safer and more enjoyable, just make sure you aren’t using them while you are driving. Here is a list of some of the more useful Apps:
Top Pick - GPSed
- SimulTravel GPS
- Road Trip ($4.99)
- Where To? ($2.99)
- Trapster
- The Weather Channel
- Cheap Gas!
- Park Shark
- Sit or Squat
- Wifi Track
- RepairPal
- MapsBuddy
- Urbanspoon
- Iexit
- Wikihood
- Local Eats
- Yelp
- I Spy
- 20 Questions
- License Plates
- Name That Tune